[event] iiiNNO 2020 Spring Demo Pitch & Investment Meeting
iiiNNO 2020 Spring Demo Pitch
we are inviting startup team from iiiNNO launchpad, venture building, and 6 weeks 10X growth bootcamp team and as well startup team recommended by our mentor network to do a 3 minutes pitch. At the end of pitch, we will proceed with iiiNNO & Partner investment review meeting.
Pitch Team List
the demo pitch will be 3 minutes with upto 5 minutes QA. The pitch will be in 2 group. One group is team in our 6 weeks 10X acceleration program and another group is team from our launchpad program.
6 weeks 10X acceleration camp graduation demo
接案族重生計畫 by FreelanceCase (https://www.freelancecase.com)
Dental Eco System by 艾瑞瓷口腔醫療集團 (http://www.cerecsasia.com)
AI Robotics fisherman by ZongaMu (http://zongamu.com)
team #4
Launchpad program
APP/ Queuing solution\ Restaurant solution by QueQ (https://www.queq.me/)
STRIDE-360 by STRIDE-360 (http://www.loveyourstride.com)
Vircadia, 3D interface and server solution for Desktop and VR by Meitefusi 美特弗斯 (https://vircadia.com)
Invitation by mentor
note: we will invite the team recommend by mentor or invitation by iiiNNO at our next pitch. Thank you for everyone’s support in applying to the pitch demo.
All pitch team please arrive at Terminal C at 2:00PM for practice and setup
If you need 20 minutes mentor coaching, please come at the same at 11:30pm and we will do office hour on first come first serve basis.
PItch Demo & Investment Review Meeting
5:00PM Networking
5:30PM Welcome Message and Investor/Mentor introduction
5:35PM iiiNNO update
5:40PM PItch
team #1: 5:40PM
team #2: 5:50PM
team #3: 5:55PM
team #4: 6:00PM
team #5: 6:10PM
team #6: 6:20PM
team #7: 6:30PM
6:40PM Investment Review Meeting
for investor and mentor/partner discussion and list out action item and initial decision
7:00PM Networking & Photo
7:30PM Closure
