iiiNNO Master Class Reading Club
Introduction of Reading Club / 讀書會介紹
Welcome to iiiNNO Master Reading Club. The goal is create a platform where entrepreneurs and professionals meet with additional elements of mentoring from mentors who wishes to connect and pass on knowledge.
Reading Club Key Stakeholders / 讀書會主要成員 (利害關係者)
Reading Club Participants: anyone wishes to expand knowledge / mindset / network via 6 weekly consecutive meetup with curated events.
Reading Club Leaders: 1~2 nominated self-volunteer reading club participants will assist the execution of weekly events including building consensus on guideline and attendance taking to ensure positive experience for all stakeholders.
Reading Club Facilitator: iiiNNO member will facilitate each session and collaborate with participants / reading club leaders / mentors and sponsors.
Reading Club Mentors: each session a mentor will select a book and come to the event to share personal experience and point view on how this book has positively impact one’s life or career with hope the learning will also add value to the participants.
Reading Club Sponsors: the reading club sponsors support financially the planning and execution of the iiiNNO Master Class Reading Club and support the growth of the innovative and entrepreneurial community via iiiNNO network.
Book List / 書單
Mentor Intro / 導師介紹
林聖修 / Ben Lin 負責人, 丞鑫企管
Ben現職為丞鑫企管負責人,同時是企業顧問、講師、教練。他是一位Strategic Thinker & Behavior Observer.
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Participant Feedback / 參加者心得
Zola Cheng
It’s lots of fun.
It’s amazing.
Event Location / 活動地點
地址: 台北市建國北路三段92號2F