[Resource] Entrepreneur Must-Read Notes 創業者必讀筆記
[Resource] Entrepreneur Must-Read Notes 創業者必讀筆記
what are the key critical concepts about starting a startup?
These are hard lessons that I have personally learned through 2 failures of my business. These concepts are some of the fundamentals of entrepreneurship that we share to founders and startup companies in iiiNNO program and co-work spaces.
Time & $$
time and money are 2 of the biggest hard constraints for early-stage startup.
Not intuitive
do not follow your intuition on framework and approach.
what does entrepreneur need to do on day1?
Myth of Passion
does passion leads to success? or successful people are passionate?
到底熱情會點燃成功? 還是成功的人都很熱情?
Search & validation
ability to search and validate are 2 critical skillsets.
Section #1: What to focus on? 要專注在那些事情?
what do top entrepreneurs do?
what makes the top 10% of founder different? (1) execution (2) formidability (3) communication
到底超優秀前10%的創業者有哪裡不一樣呢? (1) 執行 (2) 優雅 (3) 溝通
what are the 3 phases of startup companies?
[1] Phase 1 Build a product users love. [2] phase 2: Build a company to maximize the opportunity that the product has surfaced. [3] phase 3: Harvest the profits of the core business to invest in transformative new product ideas
[1] 第一階段: 建構一個大家都愛的產品服務。[2] 第2階段: 建構一個最大化產品服務帶出來了機會。[3] 第3階段: 收成核心業務的利潤來以投資於變革性的新產品構想。
what not to do to avoid common mistake
solving a problem you don’t care. / 解決一個沒有那麼不在乎的問題。
helping users you don’t care about. / 幫助沒有那麼關心的使用者。
closing co-founder you don’t know well. / 選擇一位沒有那麼熟悉的共同創辦人。
not having transparent conversation. / 不透明公開的對話。
afraid of launching product/service. / 害怕正式推出服務產品。
don’t user analytics. / 不只用分析工具。
don’t know where your first user. 不知道自己的客戶使用者在哪裏。
Section #2: How to be great a leader? / 如何成為超棒的領導者?
how the top 1% of entrepreneurs lead
leadership moves the business forward.
best leaders have failed and overcame. They recognize the lucky and know not too brilliant on themselves. They are willing to share credit, motivate others and have humility. They have integrity, and other people want to follow because great role model they are.
humility and accessible. make the mistake and take blame.
candor is kindness and making people feel safe to avoid entitlement.
leaders help and managers measure
the real job of a leader is not about in charge. it is about taking care of people in our charge. / 領導者的真正工作不是負責。這是關於照顧我們負責的人。
when we are junior, we are expect to be good at our job, then maybe will be promoted to manage people who used to do the job we used to do (but this is not leadership) / 當我們職場新鮮人,我們會被期望在工作中表現出色。隨者時間,我們可能會升等來管理正在執行我們之前所做的工作。(但這不是領導力)
what is leadership: give out credit when things go right and take accountability when things go wrong. / 領導力是什麼:把成就表揚給予我們成員,但當事搞砸的時候挑出來擔責任。
create the right environment and concern about others with empathy. / 建構一個適合的環境,以同理真的關注關懷他人。
it is our job to help the people we lead or work with, be good at their jobs. This doesn’t mean doing their work for them; it means we help them get the resources, the information and the support they need to perform at their natural best. It also means watching their backs and helping them fix mistakes when they make them.
what is the important strengths
vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. / 脆弱不是贏還是輸;當我們無法控制結果時,就有勇氣出現並被看到。
vulnerability is not a weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage. / 脆弱不是弱點;這是我們最大的勇氣。
Section #3: embrace the new perspective / 擁抱新觀點
