Startup Cafe @ Fukuoka City – One Stop for Startup Visa and more

Startup Cafe @ Fukuoka City is a one stop center for international and local Japanese entrepreneurs who want to inquire about government resource and entrepreneur advice. For international entrepreneur who are seeking to enter Japan market, this would be a highly recommended place for applying Startup Visa through Startup Cafe which receive and advise the application on behalf of Fukuoka City.
Fukuoka City is recently became the special zone for international entrepreneur, and Startup Cafe situated at the heart of Fukuoka city is the contact point for (1) application submission (2) advising (3) mentorship.
Here is a the latest information for your kind reference.
由日本福岡市政府成立的「Startup Cafe」是一個專為當地日本及國際者成立的一站式創業諮詢及資源申請服務站。如果是國際的創業者,正在籌備進入日本市場,特別建議來透過Startup Cafe來申請「創業簽證」,因為這個是收件及申請諮詢的日本福岡政府的窗口。
福岡市近期成為日本的創業特區,藉由「Startup Cafe」在福岡市的市中心的理想位子,福岡市政府積極的推動這個為創業者可以(1) 送申請案件 (2) 得到諮詢 (3) 接受輔導 的單一窗口。
Startup Cafe 創業簽證
Startup Visa Application Form and Info / 創業簽證申請辦法和表格:
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